An office with a desk and boxes.

Boxing Day

I currently work in an empty void. Not the usual emotional one but rather an actual physical one. With my move to Ireland just next week, everything in my office has been packed up and sent across the waters. And so now my workspace is empty and echoey. It’s also very white. It’s like I’ve …

A baby wearing a cute head scarf

Call the Midwife! But, like, be really nice to them because it’s a really hard job…

This post contains discussion of the challenges in midwifery and childbirth If you’ve been watching/reading/listening/imbibing the news over the past few years, you will have heard repeated claims of the crisis in midwifery. Not in terms of student recruitment (which remains strong), but in terms of clinical care. There have been a series of high-profile …

A chef preparing fine dining on plates made of wood

The Menu is a delicious feast for forensic anthropologists

This post contains many significant spoilers for the film The Menu currently streaming on Disney+. When I was an undergrad student I used to co-host a weekly movie review show on the university radio station. Demonstrating that I was as cool back then as I am now (this is clearly not one of the spoilers …

Yet another discussion on forensic science education…

Wow – I am poor at keeping these posts updated. I can only assume that you are all hitting the refresh button every week only to be crushingly disappointed that nothing new appears. I can only apologise and point to how very busy I am. Case in point, this weekend I was both appointed as …

Biocultural Taphonomies: Teasing apart taphonomic filters in bioarchaeology

I never learn. Which is ironic considering the sector I work in. Whenever I get asked if I’d give a paper at a conference, I always think “Oh, that’s ages away, literally months away, I’m busy now but it’ll be fine by then…”. But it never is. Such was the case when I was asked …