If The Sims is 25, how old does that make me..?

This post isn’t about universities. Although I do come onto them at the end. And it’s not about teaching and learning. Although we will also talk about teaching and learning by the end too. Really this post is about playing video games. You may have seen that the wonderful game The Sims is 25 years …

AI for everyone, but not everything

Look. I grew up in the 80s. When you say AI to me, I automatically think of Skynet and humanity’s desperate fight for survival. Younger me certainly didn’t expect older me to be actively thinking about how to use AI for the public good. If anything, younger me would be bitterly disappointed that older me …

I refuse to put some Irish-based cliche here so you’re stuck with this…

I’ve survived my first month! Well done me. And crucially I am still in my honeymoon period, having smashed the honeymoon period of my previous job by some margin. That one lasted a mere 13 days. Not my fault, I might add. It’s always a bit overwhelming when you start a new job in a …

An office with a desk and boxes.

Boxing Day

I currently work in an empty void. Not the usual emotional one but rather an actual physical one. With my move to Ireland just next week, everything in my office has been packed up and sent across the waters. And so now my workspace is empty and echoey. It’s also very white. It’s like I’ve …